RADventure Club Rewards
Welcome to our loyalty program! Earn points with every purchase and enjoy perks just for you. Join our community and benefit from faster checkout, wishlists, and special discounts. Sign up today and start earning rewards!
RADventure Club rewards faq
1. How do I sign up for the RADventure Club Loyalty Program?
Signing up is easy! Just click "Create a store account". Once you do that, every time you shop, you'll earn points. It’s free to join and you will automatically be signed up to receive emails about updates to your account and reminders when you have points to use.
2. How can I earn points?
You can earn points by completing actions listed in rewards section above.
3. What are the perks of being a member of the RADventure Club?
The RADventure Club is a tiered program, so the more you engage with us, the more points (and perks!) you earn. Once you're in a higher tier, you'll have access to exclusive perks like surprise double points days.
4. Does it cost anything to begin earning points?
Nope! It’s completely free to join, and you earn points automatically whenever you make a purchase or complete any of the other ways to earn points listed above.
5. Can I use points when shopping in-store, or is it only available online?
You can definitely use your points in-store! When you’re checking out, just be sure to mention your email address associated with your rewards account and the RAD employee will be able to see what rewards you have available to redeem and use.
6. How do I move up tiers?
The more you shop with us, the closer you get to moving up tiers! Anyone that signs up for a RADventure Club account is automatically placed into the RAD Scout tier. If you spend $250 - $499 you move up to a RAD Camper, spend $500+ you’re a RAD Explorer. Each higher tier comes with its own set of perks and rewards.
7. Why didn't I earn points on a purchase?
You need to be logged into your account to earn points for purchases. If you’re signed in as a guest, the purchase will not be associated with your account. (If you have made a purchase as a guest and want to add those points to your account, please contact us directly.) You also won’t receive points if you return your purchase or your purchase was canceled for any reason. Please note that any points you earn on a purchase you later return will be deducted from your point balance.